Steps to easing stress during challenging times

Our social worker, Amanda, is helping us to better understand how to cope with anxious feelings and some steps you can take to ease stress in challenging times.

·      Ask yourself “are there ways to calm this feeling?”. I often refer to this as how can we turn down the volume on feelings of anxiety or stress that are impacting us. A good place to start is to think about what has been helpful to you in the past.

·      Especially in times of uncertainty, it can be helpful to understand the difference between probable risk vs. possible risk. Remember, even if you evaluate a situation to be probable you can always make a plan to work through it.

·      Instead of reassuring yourself or a loved one that the “thing” you are anxious about won’t happen, lessen the feeling of worry by reminding yourself or your loved one that “you know how to handle your feelings of anxiety or stress”.

·      Use strategies that work for you. These can include breathing, distraction techniques, meditation, or your own anxiety and stress management tools. You can use a quick video like this one to check in on your current breathing patterns and increase a sense of calm

·      Instead of viewing anxious feelings as being negative, try shifting your thoughts to “What might you be learning from this experience? Or what is this experience telling you about yourself?”

·      Keep a list of your strengths, coping strategies, and supports a reminder of how you can work through this experience. Read the list over when you are feeling stressed, and add to it or change it as needed. Turning your focus to the items on your list can help develop resiliency and empower you to cope.  

To book an appointment with Amanda or for more information contact us at (905) 330-6287 or check availability online at

Dina Eino